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Impact, transorm, inspire

Neuroscience for Business Communication

Learn how your brain is wired to love simplicty, clarity and visual content. Impact any audience, persuade any stakeholder and lead any team finding your own balance communication style

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Sessions for leaders in the making

The neuroscience Workshop Series


Decisions are never made by facts alone

Applied neuroscience for COMMUNICATION

Applied Neuroscience for Business Communication teaches executives how to improve their communication skills to impact, persuade, and inspire others. IMPACT covers insights into how the human brain processes information, attention, and memory, as well as ways to convey complex ideas and information, improve decision-making, and build strong emotional connections with audiences.


Visual Grammar for persuasive 

Applied neuroscience for PRESENTATIONS

Applied Neuroscience for Business presentations teaches executives how to improve their presentation building skills to impact, persuade, and inspire others to action. TRANSFORM covers insights into how the human brain processes information, attention, and memory, as well as ways to convey complex ideas and information, improve decision-making, and build strong emotional connections with audiences through well structured, story based narratives.


Leaders aren’t born, are made

Applied neuroscience for      LEADERSHIP

The neuroscience of leadership, covers topics such as communication, decision-making, emotional intelligence, and stress management. The course provides insights into how the brain processes information, evaluates risks, and responds to stimuli to make more effective decisions and minimize biases, and teaches strategies for adapting communication styles to resonate with the audience, ensuring message effectiveness and avoiding misunderstandings or misinterpretations. The focus also covers techniques for building resilience and creating a culture of integrity within the organization.

"There is a clear before and after when working with Swala"
Shaun Benson, HR Director, Meta

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